Whether I'm at the grocery store, a restaurant on Friday night, or the airport, I can’t help but notice how 99.0% of women aren't dressed like the influencers I see on Instagram. I find this fascinating because millions of women follow these accounts (me included!).
Sometimes, so many influencers are talking about the same item, I fully expect to walk into the grocery store and see 15 women wearing "the viral Amazon [fill in the blank]." To date, this hasn't happened to me. So why the huge discrepancy between what women wear IRL and what influencers are selling (or trying to sell)?
It's no doubt a very complicated answer, but I believe it's partly because buying what's offered on social media isn't enough to address women's needs. Many women feel a disconnect between what they're putting on each day and how they want to feel when they get dressed. Social media tries to fill the gap by showing you pretty things - but if you aren't certain about what's right for you in the first place, you're getting a quick fix at best and something you never wear at worst.
If 2025 is your year to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, don't hesitate to book a free consult!